Video: The Grand opening of Al-Hayat Centre Southampton
Al-Hayat Centre presents: Al-Isra Wal-Mi’raj The majestic Night Journey And a special Isra wal Mi’raj workshop for young children (ages 6-12) Friday the 17th of February (27th Rajab) between Maghreb (5:28pm) and Isha (7:15pm) Featuring a talk by Shaykh Rizwan…
We pray you all enjoyed a blessed and fruitful Ramadan and that this day is filled with lots of joy and merriment. May Allah accept our fasts, our prayers and our charity, forgive us for our mistakes and keep our…
Al-Hayat Centre Southampton presents Imam Bukhari’s Al-Adab Al-Mufrad: A perfect code of manners and morality Lesson 1: Introduction Taught by Shaykh Rizwan Hussain Al-Azhari Every Wednesday after Isha prayer 7PM Live stream approximately 7:20pm Inshallah Youtube Live: Facebook Live:…
AL-HAYAT CENTRE PRESENTSDAILY _DUROOS_ (LESSONS) IN RAMADAN 2022 *EVERY DAY AFTER ASR PRAYER (6:45PM)*Day 5 topic: _The mercy of the Most Merciful_Let us utilise this sanctity of this month and it’s many blessings to learn more about our religion and draw…
Watch & listen LIVE to a talk on the significant role played by the youth in Islam throughout history, and the insurmountable legacy of the true leader of the youth- Imam al-Hussain via the lessons we can learn from his…
Asslaaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. We are honoured to present Al-Isra wal Mi’raj: The Night Journey due to take place this coming Saturday 19th February between Maghrib (5:20pm) and Isha (7:15pm). The event will include; Quran recitation & praises of the…