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Muhammad ﷺ: The Most Praised
Al-Hayat Centre is proud to present to you it’s first ever event titled;‘Muhammad ﷺ: The Most Praised’ It will take place on Sunday 7th November 2021 after Zuhr prayer (1:30PM) and will be hosted by Al-Hayat Centre Founder & Principal, Shaykh…

Ramadan Workshop for Children
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The insurmountable legacy of Al-Hussain & the inspirational role of the youth: Part II
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Al-Isra wal Mi’raj: The Night Journey
Asslaaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. We are honoured to present Al-Isra wal Mi’raj: The Night Journey due to take place this coming Saturday 19th February between Maghrib (5:20pm) and Isha (7:15pm). The event will include; Quran recitation & praises of the…

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FOR BOYS & GIRLS AGED 10+ Featuring presentations on Cleanliness & personal hygiene for boys and menstruation and other contemporary women’s issues for girls. *FRIDAY 4TH OF AUGUST | AFTER MAGHREB* (8:50PM) | If you haven’t yet informed us of…