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Taraweeh Prayers 2022 at Al Hayat Centre
Dear brothers and sisters, Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. This year will be our first Ramadan at Al-Hayat Centre and we have big plans for it inshallah! With the Youth Centre renovation ongoing and our Ramadan Workshops for children confirmed, we…

Muhammad ﷺ: The Most Praised
Al-Hayat Centre is proud to present to you it’s first ever event titled;‘Muhammad ﷺ: The Most Praised’ It will take place on Sunday 7th November 2021 after Zuhr prayer (1:30PM) and will be hosted by Al-Hayat Centre Founder & Principal, Shaykh…

Imam Bukhari’s Al-Adab Al-Mufrad: A perfect code of manners and morality
Al-Hayat Centre Southampton presents Imam Bukhari’s Al-Adab Al-Mufrad: A perfect code of manners and morality Lesson 1: Introduction Taught by Shaykh Rizwan Hussain Al-Azhari Every Wednesday after Isha prayer 7PM Live stream approximately 7:20pm Inshallah Youtube Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fFjEdYgBCo Facebook Live:…

EID MUBARAK from everybody at Al-Hayat Centre!
We pray you all enjoyed a blessed and fruitful Ramadan and that this day is filled with lots of joy and merriment. May Allah accept our fasts, our prayers and our charity, forgive us for our mistakes and keep our…

Grand Opening ceremony for Al-Hayat Centre
Dear brothers & sisters, Asslaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. We pray you and your families are in the best of physical and spiritual health. Alhamdulillah, we are FINALLY able to announce the Grand Opening ceremony for Al-Hayat Centre, Southampton. Our official…