Al-Isra wal Mi’raj: The Night Journey

RELIGION IS SINCERITY: CHARITY & THE ART OF GIVING Topic: RELIGION IS SINCERITY: CHARITY & THE ART OF GIVING Watch & listen to an inspiring talk on the importance of giving in Islam and the innumerable benefits of charitable endeavours….
Last night, the Al-Hayat Team had the pleasure of attending the British Beacon Mosque Awards for 2022, having been been a finalist in 4 categories. Alhamdulillah, it was an honour to be nominated among such outstanding talent and wonderful to…
Al-Hayat Centre is excited to announce that we have opened up further spaces in our outstanding Madrassah for this upcoming year. If you are interested in enrolling your child for Qai’dah, Quran, Islamic or iSyllabus studies, please fill out the…
Don’t miss out on this excellent Esaale thawaab/sadaqah jaariyah opportunity. You will receive the reward of the fasting of each person for whom you provide iftar! If you require a specific date or would like to make a cash contribution,…
The Last Friday before Ramadan, students learnt about the benefits of suhur & iftar as well as the various dua’s for fasting. They also took the opportunity to get into the Ramadan spirit by creating beautiful art work to hang…