We pray you all enjoyed a blessed and fruitful Ramadan and that this day is filled with lots of joy and merriment. May Allah accept our fasts, our prayers and our charity, forgive us for our mistakes and keep our…
Dear brothers and sisters, Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. This year will be our first Ramadan at Al-Hayat Centre and we have big plans for it inshallah! With the Youth Centre renovation ongoing and our Ramadan Workshops for children confirmed, we…
Jummah prayer (2022-03-11) at Al-Hayat Centre Led by Shaykh Rizwan Hussain Al-Azhari Khutbah starts at 1pm | Jamaa’ah at 1:30pm Topic: PRINCIPLES OF FAITH: TAWHID & SHIRK With so much misunderstanding and misinterpretation surrounding that which constitutes shirk (polytheism), it’s…
Dear brothers and sisters, Asslaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. We pray you are in the best of health and imaan. It’s that time again when Al-Hayat Centre requires your help for remedial works. With the winter well and truly here, we…
Last night, the Al-Hayat Team had the pleasure of attending the British Beacon Mosque Awards for 2022, having been been a finalist in 4 categories. Alhamdulillah, it was an honour to be nominated among such outstanding talent and wonderful to…
Ali Ibn Hussain (ra) narrates from his father that the Prophet ﷺ said: “He who observes the ten days I’tikaf during Ramadan will obtain the reward of two Hajj & two Umrah.” (Bayhaqi) Ibn Abbas (RA) reported that the Prophet ﷺ…