Dear brothers and sisters, Asslaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
We pray you are in the best of health and imaan. It’s that time again when Al-Hayat Centre requires your help for remedial works.
With the winter well and truly here, we are experiencing severe difficulties in keeping the centre warm and dry. Insulation and roof repair (for leaks) are our primary concerns therefore, we are attempting to *raise £1700* to resolve those issues.
If you would like to take part in the noble endeavour of creating a warm and welcoming environment for the worshippers and students, please contribute to this cause wholeheartedly. We hope to raise the full amount by the end of the weekend inshallah. No amount is too small so help in whatever way you can.
Feel free to drop your contributions into the centre or *make payments online* into the Mosque account. Please find details below.
May Allah accept your noble contributions and reward you abundantly. Ameen.
Al-Hayat Trust
Account Number: 73995136
Sort Code: 608371