Muhammad ﷺ: The Most Praised
Al-Hayat Centre is proud to present to you it’s first ever event titled;
‘Muhammad ﷺ: The Most Praised’
It will take place on Sunday 7th November 2021 after Zuhr prayer (1:30PM) and will be hosted by Al-Hayat Centre Founder & Principal, Shaykh Rizwan Hussain al-Azhari and under the guidance and supervision of his noble father, Al-Haj Sabir Hussain (hafidhahullah)
Our honourable guests include;
Pir Sultan Niaz ul Hassan Sarwari Qadri
(Sultan Bahu Trust & Chairman, Islamic help)
Imam Ijaz Ahmad Shaami
(Hope foundation & tours)
Qari Muhammad Rizwan Akhlaq Al-Azhari
(Darul Qurra and Islamic Research Centre)
Mikhaael Mala
(Darul Qurra and Islamic Research Centre)
With a special Salawat and mawlid recitation from Ustadh Hilmi Hussein and Shaykh Ala Elashmawy (Egypt)

Brothers, Sisters & Children welcome | Food will be served
We look forward to seeing you all there! Please attend with your families, bring along even the youngest of children (youth room will be open for them) and spread the word.
Al-Hayat Centre | Dukes Road | Unit 1-3 | Southampton | SO14 0SQ