The Prophet ﷺ said;
_The fast of the month of Ramadan will remain suspended between the skies and the earth until the zakat of the fasts is paid_
The fitrana (zakatul fitr) is incumbent on every member of the family, regardless of age and financial status, and is due before the Eid prayer inshallah. The purpose of this zakat is to cleanse us of our mistakes and shortcomings during the observance of fasting in Ramadan.
The amount due is £5 per person and any contribution given to Al-Hayat Centre will be passed on to a local charity (Rays of Hope) to provide food and gifts on Eid to the poor and needy in war-torn areas inshallah. You can either make this payment in cash when you come for any of the prayers (charity box labelled ‘Zakatul Fitr’ in reception), or alternatively, you can send it to the charity account and we will make sure the funds are transferred over on the day.
Please join us for our Khatmul Quran tonight and keep us in your pious prayers. Ameen.
Al-Hayat Trust
Account Number: 73995136
Sort Code: 608371