Al-Isra wal Mi’raj: The Night Journey

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, By the grace of Allah, we were once again blessed with a productive day at Al-Hayat Madrassah. This last week has seen further Qaidah & Quran (Islamic Studies Graduates), as well as provided students with an…
Dear brothers and sisters, Asslaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. As you are aware, the tragic events unfolding in Gaza have undoubtedly caused great distress to Muslims across the globe. The loss of life, attacks on innocent civilians and the pleas of…
Alhamdulillah, we’re delighted to announce that Al-hayat Centre Southampton has been shortlisted in *FOUR* categories for this years national Beacon Mosque awards! We are being considered for Best Madrassah Service, Best Youth Service, Most Impactful Imam (Shaykh Rizwan), and Most…
RELIGION IS SINCERITY: CHARITY & THE ART OF GIVING Topic: RELIGION IS SINCERITY: CHARITY & THE ART OF GIVING Watch & listen to an inspiring talk on the importance of giving in Islam and the innumerable benefits of charitable endeavours….
Alhamdulillah, we had another productive week at Al-Hayat Madrassah with students taking part in engaging, educational activities and enjoying themselves while doing so. With the Month of Rabi’ul awwal (the month of the arrival of our Prophet) having begun,…
Al-Hayat Courses is proud to present Specialised Quranic Tuition on weekends STARTING ON SATURDAY 11/06/22 For children and young adults in hourly sessions, one-to-one in order to learn and improve recitation and pronunciation with our resident Quran tutor and Imam,…