Ali Ibn Hussain (ra) narrates from his father that the Prophet ﷺ said: “He who observes the ten days I’tikaf during Ramadan will obtain the reward of two Hajj & two Umrah.” (Bayhaqi)

Ibn Abbas (RA) reported that the Prophet ﷺ said, (about him who engages in i’tikaf), “that he is safe from sin & he also gets that reward which everyone (outside of i’tikaf) gets for pious deeds.” (Ibn Majah)

What an amazing opportunity for us to gain such immense & abundant rewards, as well as proximity to Allah and His Messenger. Alongside the extensive reward, this is a unique and wonderful opportunity to strengthen & boost our imaan (faith) for the rest of the year.

For those interested in sitting I’tekaaf for the full 10 days (sunnah), please confirm your participation by contacting Shaykh Rizwan on 07518968375.

I’tekaaf at Al-Hayat consists of;
• Regular lectures both formal and informal, after Fajr & Asr taught by Shaykh Rizwan Hussain al-Azhari
• Taraweeh & Qiyamul Layl (AT 1AM) led by Shaykh Luqman Ul Hakim Bin Marzuki; an excellent Qari and our guest recruiter and Imam from Malaysia.
• Access to library and other reading material to increase knowledge during your stay
• Opportunities to entertain visits from families in our welcoming environment
• Food for suhur & iftar provided
• ⁠Youth I’tekaaf (Nafl) on the weekend of 6/7 April (last weekend of Ramadan)
And many more engaging and beneficial activities/talks.

The ten days will start on SUNDAY 31ST OF MARCH inshallah. Those intending to sit for the full ten days must arrive in the Masjid before sunset.
We look forward to hosting you this year. May Allah solidify your intentions and accept your actions throughout this beautiful month. Ameen.

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