Alhamdulillah, we are pleased to announce the next stage of the Al-Hayat Centre expansion to include a new Islamic-ethos inspired Youth Centre; the first of its kind in Southampton. We have been open for less than 2 years and by the grace of Allah, we have very quickly established ourselves as a forerunner in providing quality youth & social services (mentoring and counselling resources), in addition to our burgeoning Masjid & Madrassah, which now fosters the hearts and minds of 150 students of all ages.
With the Youth Room at the Centre proving such a huge hit, and it’s concept inspiring other mosques to do the same, we always had envisioned a larger space to expand on those facilities in order to provide the young people in this City with a unique and interactive social and educational experience.
Therefore, we have set ourselves a target to raise £150,000 by the end of Ramadan in order to purchase the building (Unit 4) to expand our prayer and class space, and set up the Youth Centre, inshallah. For this, we are seeking support from members of our community in the UK, particularly for the appeal we will be holding on Takbeer TV, and our locality, who will benefit most from this initiative.
Please contribute to this noble endeavour by donating & supporting us today via the justgiving links and account details below. For our brothers and sisters in High Wycombe, there will be a collection in all the mosques under WIMMT (Wycombe Islamic Mission & Mosque Trust) during Taraweeh prayers tonight. Please do support this appeal wholeheartedly.
May Allah reward you abundantly for your generous contributions and accept the work and efforts of our Founder & Principal, Shaykh Rizwan, Ustadha Sidrah and all of our outstanding teachers and supporters who have brought this vision to fruition. Ameen.
Al-Hayat Trust
Account no: 73995136
Sort Code: 60-83-71