We pray you all enjoyed a blessed and fruitful Ramadan and that this day is filled with lots of joy and merriment. May Allah accept our fasts, our prayers and our charity, forgive us for our mistakes and keep our…
Ali Ibn Hussain (ra) narrates from his father that the Prophet ﷺ said: “He who observes the ten days I’tikaf during Ramadan will obtain the reward of two Hajj & two Umrah.” (Bayhaqi) Ibn Abbas (RA) reported that the Prophet ﷺ…
Al-Hayat Courses is proud to present Specialised Quranic Tuition on weekends STARTING ON SATURDAY 11/06/22 For children and young adults in hourly sessions, one-to-one in order to learn and improve recitation and pronunciation with our resident Quran tutor and Imam,…
On the last day before the half term break, the students at Al-Hayat Madrassah learnt about the history of the Palestinian suffering and the significance of the land of Palestine for each and every Muslim. They discussed the historical context…
Yesterday, Al-Hayat Centre arranged a Youth Iftar & I’tekaaf for teenagers who took part in our Taraweeh, spent time with Shaykh Rizwan holding formal and informal talks/Q&A’s, assisted in arranging and preparing the food for Iftar, and leading their own…
Subhanallah! Another Friday and another series of enjoyable and engaging activities at Al-Hayat Centre. This week, the girls participated in making Cakepops while others decorated cupcakes. The boys had fun playing games with their teachers and the senior students learned…