This September will mark a year since the Al-Hayat Masjid and Madrassah first opened, and we have made incredible strides since. With our focus on education and youth development, we have become the forerunner in providing quality youth facilities that you now see emulated in other places of worship. A year ago, how many youth-centric activities, youth rooms or events primarily focused on youth engagement for both boys and girls were taking place? Mashallah, now much more work is being done in that field.
We will continue to work to provide these facilities, and more inshallah. Already we are preparing a young mentoring programme and counselling services for those who require them, with the help of qualified professionals. If you are interested in signing your child up for the mentoring programme (age 11-18), please get in touch. Also, if you need expert counselling help or would like to speak to a qualified Imam with pastoral experience, we will assist you in any way we can. Please contact us for more information.
For new Muslims, we will be organising support groups and a liaison team to provide assistance to those who require it in the early stages and hopefully, inshallah it will help them during the transition phase. This is the time when they need help and support the most and we are making ourselves available should our services be required. If you are interested, or know of anyone who would likely benefit from this engagement, please do get in touch also.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as we can. Please keep us in your pious prayers.