The Last Friday before Ramadan, students learnt about the benefits of suhur & iftar as well as the various dua’s for fasting. They also took the opportunity to get into the Ramadan spirit by creating beautiful art work to hang as decorative pieces in their homes. In addition to that, some students got to spend some time in the kitchen baking cakes and brownies to take home and enjoy. It was clear that everyone- including the teachers- had a great time alhamdulillah.

If you are interested in finding out more about our Madrassah or would like to discuss enrolment, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can find a link to the online application form below.
We hope you all enjoy a wonderful weekend and a blessed Ramadan. Please do keep us in your pious prayers and keep up to date with all the latest events and activities we have in store via our Facebook and social media pages.