The timetable is ready to be distributed at Jumuah tomorrow. Please do attend and collect one for yourself. Meanwhile, please do save and share online.
Alhamdulillah, this year, our timetable has been sponsored by;
Portswood Peri Peri
237 Portswood road Southampton
Taj Mot Station, Unit 4-13 Mount Pleasant Industrial Estate, Southampton, SO140SP 02380337500
Zenova Computers
Build & sell custom gaming computers & laptops
01494 356884
Please do support these businesses and contact us if you require more information about them inshallah. May Allah grant them much barakah in their noble endeavours. Ameen.
Please do remember all those who have supported in designing, printing and sponsoring our timetable in your duas. Ameen. We look forward to seeing you all soon inshallah