Month of Rabi’ul awwal Educational Activities

FOR BOYS & GIRLS AGED 10+ Featuring presentations on Cleanliness & personal hygiene for boys and menstruation and other contemporary women’s issues for girls. *FRIDAY 4TH OF AUGUST | AFTER MAGHREB* (8:50PM) | If you haven’t yet informed us of…
Al-Hayat Courses is proud to present Specialised Quranic Tuition on weekends STARTING ON SATURDAY 11/06/22 For children and young adults in hourly sessions, one-to-one in order to learn and improve recitation and pronunciation with our resident Quran tutor and Imam,…
AL-HAYAT CENTRE PRESENTSDAILY _DUROOS_ (LESSONS) IN RAMADAN 2022 *EVERY DAY AFTER ASR PRAYER (6:45PM)*Day 5 topic: _The mercy of the Most Merciful_Let us utilise this sanctity of this month and it’s many blessings to learn more about our religion and draw…
Subhanallah! Another Friday and another series of enjoyable and engaging activities at Al-Hayat Centre. This week, the girls participated in making Cakepops while others decorated cupcakes. The boys had fun playing games with their teachers and the senior students learned…
Al-Hayat Centre Southampton presents Imam Bukhari’s Al-Adab Al-Mufrad: A perfect code of manners and morality Lesson 1: Introduction Taught by Shaykh Rizwan Hussain Al-Azhari Every Wednesday after Isha prayer 7PM Live stream approximately 7:20pm Inshallah Youtube Live: Facebook Live:…
The moonsighting reports from a multitude of sighting spots both in the UK and the Kingdom of Morocco for the moon of Dhul Hijjah 1443AH have returned negative findings. Therefore, the month of Dhul Hijjah will begin this Thursday after…