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EID MUBARAK from everybody at Al-Hayat Centre!
We pray you all enjoyed a blessed and fruitful Ramadan and that this day is filled with lots of joy and merriment. May Allah accept our fasts, our prayers and our charity, forgive us for our mistakes and keep our…

Mark a year since the Al-Hayat Masjid and Madrassah first opened
This September will mark a year since the Al-Hayat Masjid and Madrassah first opened, and we have made incredible strides since. With our focus on education and youth development, we have become the forerunner in providing quality youth facilities that…

Beacon Mosque Awards 2023
Dear brothers & sisters, Al-Hayat Centre has been part of some amazing Youth and Madrassah work over the last two years. This progress is reflected in mosques/Madrassahs, locally and nationally, being inspired to make changes to emulate our successes Alhamdulillah….

For all our brothers and sisters celebrating Eid on this beautiful day, we wish you and your families a most joyous occasion. May Allah bless you all with health, happiness and prosperity. Please keep the Centre in your pious prayers…

Youth Room project at Al-Hayat Centre – pool table
Alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah and the support of our wonderful team of brothers and sisters, we have managed to purchase the pool table required to complete our Youth Room project at Al-Hayat Centre. We managed to raise the…

Grand Opening ceremony for Al-Hayat Centre
Dear brothers & sisters, Asslaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. We pray you and your families are in the best of physical and spiritual health. Alhamdulillah, we are FINALLY able to announce the Grand Opening ceremony for Al-Hayat Centre, Southampton. Our official…