Al-Hayat Courses is proud to present Specialised Quranic Tuition on weekends STARTING ON SATURDAY 11/06/22 For children and young adults in hourly sessions, one-to-one in order to learn and improve recitation and pronunciation with our resident Quran tutor and Imam,…
Don’t miss out on this excellent Esaale thawaab/sadaqah jaariyah opportunity. You will receive the reward of the fasting of each person for whom you provide iftar! If you require a specific date or would like to make a cash contribution,…
We request all our brothers and sisters to take this unique Sadaqah Jaariya opportunity, in the most noblest of months when your good deeds are multiplied tenfold, to sponsor our Al-Hayat Centre Iftar for £125 and a Juzz recital by…
Alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah and the support of our wonderful team of brothers and sisters, we have managed to purchase the pool table required to complete our Youth Room project at Al-Hayat Centre. We managed to raise the…
Dear brothers & sisters, At Al-Hayat Centre we will be completing the recital of the Quran on Monday 8th of April corresponding to the 29th night of Ramadan, inshallah. Our honoured guest Shaykh Luqman Ul Hakim Bin Marzuki has done…