Al-Isra Wal-Mi’raj : The majestic Night Journey

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, We pray your fast is going well. A few people have inquired about potentially sponsoring an Iftar at Al-Hayat Centre this month. Due to the fact that it’s our first time and we don’t know how…
Dear brothers & sisters, Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Alhamdulillah, we are working very hard this week to get the centre ready for next Sunday’s grand opening. On Sunday the 26th, we will have guests from all over the UK as…
We are pleased to inform you that local councillors alongside our MP Alan Whitehead will be visiting Al-Hayat Centre tomorrow for the first time. They will stay after the prayer to talk to you and answer your questions, so please…
Dear brothers and sisters, Asslaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. As you are aware, the tragic events unfolding in Gaza have undoubtedly caused great distress to Muslims across the globe. The loss of life, attacks on innocent civilians and the pleas of…
Our Eid Jama’ah for tomorrow will take place at 9am inshallah. The Khutbah will begin at 8:30 and will be led by Shaykh Rizwan Hussain al-Azhari. Please join us with your families and be a part of this auspicious occasion….
Alhamdulillah, we’re delighted to announce that Al-hayat Centre Southampton has been shortlisted in *FOUR* categories for this years national Beacon Mosque awards! We are being considered for Best Madrassah Service, Best Youth Service, Most Impactful Imam (Shaykh Rizwan), and Most…